Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tues and Wed workouts

Just quick update:

Tuesday: KB circuit involving 1 arm KB snatches, 1 arm KB Clean and Press, pull ups, suspended pushups. Followed this up with 3 miles roughly on elliptical while watching the season premiere of the Biggest Loser- inspiring people. Plus, we got two Okies from Tulsa and BA on the show! Don't really know if that's good news or not though....

Wednesday: Upper Rep Day
1. Bench: 40% 1 RM 5 sets of 10 with 30 sec. rest between
2. DB incline flies: 2x10
3. Kroc Rows: get a DB you can 1 ARM row for 20 reps and go to absolute failure on each arm
4. Chest supported DB rows: 3 x 10
5. Rope pushdowns: 15, 20, 25
6. Hammer curls: 3 x 10
7 BB Reverse curls: 3 x 10

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